Growing up I was a Christian. I went to church ever Sunday, sang in the choir, and was even an alter server at my grandfathers church. It was obvious to the elders of the church that I was sensitive towards the Holy Spirit, and could find messages in scripture and religious art. I had my first communion before I was 5, and later confirmed as a teenager. At one point I could recite the entirety of the Common Book of Prayer, I knew all of the prayers and rituals. I enjoyed being an alter server, because I was able to learn more about the rituals and rites of the Church as well as hanging out with my grandfather. However, I never felt truly comfortable or at home in the Church.
My interest in witchcraft started from a very young age. Like all other children, I would go out into the front yard with my friends and mix different flowers and plants up to make 'potions'. We would crush flower petals and leaves with rocks from the yard and mix them with water. We thankfully were smart to never actually drink our 'potions', because I'm fairly certain we used Holly berries.
I would often run around with fairies that lived in our backyard. They made their home in my grandmothers rose garden and herb garden. Magic influenced my life before I knew what it was. My talents for divination where also evident in my obsession with making paper fortune tellers. I always had at least 3 of them in my desk. Each one unique and special.
Spiritually, I always felt like I was walking a path that was well laid out and marked with signs along the way. It was a beautiful road, filled with beautiful flowers on the side. Yet, I could always feel the presence of someone or something else. Whenever people would tell me they could see the Holy Spirit working through me. I wanted to shake my head and tell them it wasn't the Holy Spirit, but you can't do that in the south without people screaming about the Devil or demons. So I would just nod and continue down that spiritual path.
My first spiritual awakening was when I was 13. I would wake up between2am-3:30am hearing my name called. I would see movement from the corners of my eyes during the day, but nothing would be there when I looked. My intuition kicked into overdrive, and I could feel things from people. Sometimes it was their emotions, sometimes it was their intentions. This is when I started researching Tarot and Witchcraft.
Next week I will continue on how I went about my research, and living in the broom closet for a few years.
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