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Witchy Book Club

Today I am kicking off the Witchy Book Club!

The first book we are looking at for the Witchy Book Club is The Crooked Path by Kelden. We will be going through this book and doing the exercises at the end of the chapters. Please feel free to read along with me!

Traditional Witchcraft is an umbrella term that covers a vast array of non Wiccan practices that are inspired by folklore. These practices may be viewed as religious or spiritual depending upon the group or individual practitioner. Traditional Witches focus on the use of magic, connecting with the natural landscape, and working with various spirits in both the physical realm and the Otherworld.

Young witch sitting in the forest reading her books

Do you Agree with the Definition of Traditional Witchcraft Provided at the end of this chapter? If yes, in what ways does it resonate with your own experiences, feelings, or ideas? If no, how would you personally define Traditional Witchcraft?

I agree with the definition of Traditional Witchcraft a stated in this chapter. In my personal path I feel that this encompasses everything I want to achieve and do. From connecting with spirits on this plane and others, to using the knowledge of past practitioners and current to update and improve my craft.

It can be hard to find your own path, let alone walk it when the time comes. The fear of not being right, or not being good enough can be devastating to ones practice. It's not uncommon for people thing just because their parent or ancestor was a witch that it makes them the next Sabrina or Nancy. Kelden touches on this and talks about how this kind of mindset is powered by insecurities of their own path or practice.

It's important to define your own path and build confidence in it. It doesn't matter if you come from a long line of witches, or if you are the first one. Traditional Witchcraft doesn't care. What it does care about is your intent, and the effort you put into it. Lucky for us, Traditional Witchcraft can be "low-magic" or sometimes called "folk magic". This means that you can be a Traditional Witch and be low maintenance about your practice, or you can go all out on ceremony and rituals.

The beautiful part about Traditional Witchcraft is that all of that is up to you. You get to form your path, and you get to choose if you want to work with Spirits or Deities or Fetches. You don't have to believe in any higher power, you just need to believe in the magic of the natural landscape and sky. That's where the magic has always been.


Overall, I am thrilled to be finally reading this book. I'm excited to continue to learn more about my path. You can buy this book and read along! Please feel free to join in on the conversation in the comments below.


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